To complete the perfect concrete swimming pool in Thailand then your builder must be following the process below:
Marking out the swimming pool in the ground using spray to make sure the customer is happy with the distances around the swimming pool and get a great idea of the finished swimming pool product layout.
Step 2
Mark out for levels around the swimming pool and piling foundations. If you swimming pool is situated within 5 meters of open land that may be built on in the future then 5 meters piling foundations will be needed to be installed to prevent subsidence and possible movement of the swimming pool in the future.
Step 3
Piling to be carried out to minimum 2 meters below any signs of made up ground. 4 - 5 meters is normally a sufficient depth. Piles must have 12 mm reinforced steel bars with 280+ strength concrete as a minimum. Under no circumstances should the piles be filled with hand mixed concrete. Where possible always use Thailand CPac ready mixed concrete.
Step 4
Excavation of the earth to create the shape of the swimming pool.
Step 5
Lay a 1 - 2 inch concrete screed for ease of the pool workers to move around and keep things tidy. If it rains the the earth gets pushed onto the pool base then removal of the earth will be less time consuming.
Step 6
Mark out for the reinforced steel reinforced bar which as a minimum should be 12 mm full steel and spaced out at 20 cm with double cage. Both cage sections should be fully tied together so and to have zero movement at any part of the pool. If this is not done then the concrete swimming pool structure will be a lot weaker and at greater risk of leakage or cracking in the future. If the floor and walls are being concrete poured separate to each other then water stop rubber will be needed to make a water tight seal between the pool walls and floor. Dry concrete joints will let ground water into the concrete and the steel rebar will start to corrode significantly weakening the pool structure.
Step 6
Install all electrical and plumbing uPVC pipework within the concrete structure. All pipe work needs to be a minimum thickness of 13 mm plastic. Using 8 mm pipe is not strong enough when the pressure of the concrete is laid and will crack the pipe work and lead to water loss in the swimming pool.
Step 7
Pour the floor using CPac ready mixed concrete at 280 strength.
Step 8
Install the steel shuttering around the pool and be sure to prop every 60 cm in height
Step 9
If the swimming pool is using the skimmer system then insure the concrete structure is around the skimmer box. Installation of the skimmer box after will lead to water leaking from the pool within a year or so.
Step 10
Pour the concrete swimming pool walls using Cpac ready mixed concrete. A vibration rod must be used every 10 cm all the way around the swimming pool to eliminate air pockets. Without doing this you run the risk of small to large holes in the concrete structure that may significantly reduce the strength of the swimming pool.
Step 11
Remove all shuttering and check the quality of the concrete swimming pool
Step 12
Render all walls with a sand and cement mix with waterproof additive. Thickness to be between 3 - 6 cm including also the top of the previously poured concrete wall tops
Step 13
Mark out for the swimming pool tiles and be sure to use and tiles finish that is able to with stand the water and chemicals that will be in the finished swimming pool.
Step 14
Grout in between the tiles using and high quality mold resistant underwater grout. Failure to do this may lead to grout being washed out of the joints, mold growth which will also lead to algae problems.
Step 15
Install the pump and sand filter and be sure to use a removable non return check valves and ball valve handles. Using standard water valves is not adequate and will need to be changed every 6 - 12 months and thus increasing the swimming pool maintenance costs significantly.
Step 16
Fill the pool up with water right up to the top. Add enough chlorine and soda ash to bring the water to the correct levels. Once the levels are correct you can add the yellow swimming pool water clean powder which will drop all the dirty particles and bacteria to the floor ready for being hoovered to waste.
Step 17
Keep all swimming pool cleaning utensils out of the sun and never store swimming pool chemicals in the pump room with out using an fully sealed container as the metal in the pump room will rust within weeks.